E-Health in Armenia
Modern and high-quality health care can not exist without a comprehensive e-Health system. Both the World Health Organization and the European Union encourage implementation of e-Health systems in the Member States, considering it as an important requisition for reliable and effective health care. According to the report of the World Health Organization, 70% of WHO in the European Region do have national e-Health strategy. E-Health in Armenia is currently in implementation phase. Implementation of the system is proceeding in accordance with programs approved by Government of Armenia in 2017-2023, and 2019.In Armenia, the concept of e-Health was formed in 2010, with the adoption of Protocol No. 50 " Approval of Electronic Information System implementation concept for Healthcare in Republic of Armenia" by the Government of the Republic of Armenia. In the same year, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Health of Armenia signed memorandum of eHealth introduction in Armenia. The coordination and implementation of the project were assigned to "EKENG" CJSC.
According to the Protocol Decision No 43 “On approving the concept of implementation of Healthcare Electronic Information System in the Republic of Armenia” adopted by the Government of the Republic of Armenia in 2012, the necessity of e-Health was approved and the roadmap of project implementation was confirmed.
In a tender organized by World Bank, Ericsson Nikola Tesla company was selected as the vendor of the technology.
The implementation of the electronic healthcare system was carried out in three stages:

The phase of technical design of the system was completed in 2014

In 2015 “EKENG CJSC” and “Ericson Nicola Telsa” completed the development, deployment and localization of the project,

During the 4th trimester of 2015 the pilot system was launched in "Heratsi" and "Muratsan" medical centers, “Goris” and “Abovyan” clinics, “Vanadzor N 1” polyclinic, “Balahovit» medical ambulatory and in "INGO Armenia" insurance company.